HEADS UP! Application for the Agricultural Competitiveness Enhancement Fund – Grants-In-Aid for Higher Education Programs (ACEF-GIAHEP) for AY 2024-2025 is now OPEN! Interested applicants MUST APPLY ONLINE through the CHED Caraga Scholarship Portal via this website: https://chedcaraga.ph/acef-giahep This grants-in-aid program is open to qualified and deserving undergraduate students who will enroll or are currently enrolled continue reading : Application for ACEF-GIAHEP for AY 2024-2025 Now Open
SCHOLARSHIP ALERT! Applications for the CHED Merit Scholarship Program AY 2024-2025 are now OPEN! Interested applicants MUST APPLY ONLINE through the CHED Caraga CMSP portal via this link: https://chedcaraga.ph/ched-scholarship-program-csp/ This is open to all entering first year students who are eligible for college, with General Weighted Average (GWA) of at least 96% or its equivalent continue reading : Applications for the CHED Merit Scholarship Program in Caraga Region for AY 2024-2025 Now Open
The Commission on Higher Education – Caraga Regional Office conducted a Mid-year Regional Conference of Higher Education Institutions’ (HEIs) Presidents and Heads on May 29, 2024 at Watergate Pavillion, Butuan City. Attended by all presidents, heads, and key officials of Caraga HEIs, the activity aimed to share with the partner HEIs the updates and statuses continue reading : Conduct of the Mid-Year Regional Conference of Higher Education Institutions’ Presidents and Heads