In partnership with the National Service Training Program Implementers of Caraga (NSTPIC), the Commission on Higher Education – Caraga Regional Office (CHED Caraga) conducted a two-day Seminar-Workshop to capacitate NSTP educators on NSTP common modules from August 3 to 4, 2023 at the conference hall of the HEDC Building, Butuan City.

Recognizing the need to equip students with better abilities to adapt to a rapidly changing world with increased VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity), the seminar-workshop envisions that the redesigning of the teaching and learning environment in the NSTP can prepare future education leaders in the context of the ASEAN thrusts. With the theme for the 56th ASEAN Founding Anniversary centered on “ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth,” the vision for ASEAN as a beacon of peace and stability in the region in the midst of multidimensional challenges and the VUCA world is highlighted.

Beyond this vision, the seminar-workshop also aimed to realize its objectives of providing an avenue for discussion on the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulation of the Republic Act. No. 9163, or the “National Service Training Program (NSTP) Act of 2001;” capacitating all NSTP Educators upon undergoing the module workshop on common modules; ensuring Gender and Development (GAD) integration in the implementation of NSTP, Citizenship Training, Philippine Anti-Illegal Drugs Strategy (PADS) implementation and  education, Disaster Risk Reduction and Management [DRRM], Environmental Protection, and other National Security Concerns; and ensuring full participation of HEIs in the implementation of NSTP including the annual monitoring and evaluation by the CHED, TESDA and DND agencies.

The activity was participated by all NSTP Directors and Coordinators of HEIs in the Caraga Region. The following key topics were discussed by resource persons over the course of the two days:

• Presentation of the salient provisions of the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of R.A. 9163

• Gender and Development, and Citizenship Training

• Drug Education, Control and Prevention

• Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

• Environmental Protection and Conservation

• National Security Concerns