On January 13, 2023, the Commission on Higher Education – Caraga Regional Office (CHED Caraga) conducted the Ceremonial Signing of the Memorandum of Agreement between CHED Caraga, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Caraga Regional Office (DENR Caraga), and Caraga Higher Education Institutions, to formalize commitments to the continued implementation of the Growing One Million Trees Advocacy Program, an advocacy spearheaded by CHED Caraga.

The ceremony, which was held at the HERO Auditorium at Caraga State University (CSU), was attended by the Regional Executive Director and Assistant Executive Director of DENR, Dir. Nonito Tamayo and other key DENR Caraga officials. Also in attendance were the presidents and key officials of the various Caraga SUCs and PHEIs, the key officials of CSU, and CHED Caraga personnel.

“We commit to you the resources of DENR, especially the NGP sites,” Dir. Tamayo expressed. He further continued, “para mas mapabuti, mapaganda and Caraga, DENR cannot do this alone. We need your help, CHED and HEIs.”

The ceremonial signing proper involved CHED Caraga Regional Director Dr. George M. Colorado, DENR Dir. Tamayo, and Caraga HEI Presidents as witnesses. After which, the attendees and signatories stood to give their pledge of voluntary commitment to the advocacy program.

In his inspirational message, Dr. Colorado highlighted the value of sowing the seeds at low cost for future generations to reap the infinite benefits. 

“Your efforts are not selfish in nature, but really for the benefit of others. Every one of us is multi-faceted, but we can never take away that aspect in our lives that we love nature, we love our country, but most of all we do this to serve our God.”