CHED Caraga Regional Office joined the observance of the annual advocacy on 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women (VAW) from November 25 to December 12, 2020 as mandated by Proclamation 1172 s. 2006. This year’s theme “VAW-free community starts with Me” focused on elevating the campaign into becoming positive advocacy as it enjoins everyone continue reading : CHED-CARAGA JOINS THE OBSERVANCE OF THE ANNUAL ADVOCACY ON 18-DAY CAMPAIGN TO END VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN (VAW)
Adolescent Health and Development Program (AHDP) and Teenage Pregnancy
In response to the pressing issue on the rising cases of teenage pregnancy in Caraga Region as second among the top three regions in Mindanao who have registered the highest number of teenage pregnancies per Population Commission 2019 report, the CHEDRO conducted a webinar on Adolescent Health and Development Program (AHDP) and Teenage Pregnancy on continue reading : Adolescent Health and Development Program (AHDP) and Teenage Pregnancy
In CHED Caraga, one of the Human Resource Systems and Pillars is the Programs on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence (PRAISE). This system identifies outstanding accomplishments, best practices, among others, of employees and support staff on a continuing basis. This is to encourage, recognize and reward employees and staff for their suggestions, innovative ideas, continue reading : CHED CARAGA AWARDS OUTSTANDING EMPLOYEES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020